Rodents Revenge

What was the Rodent's Revenge Game

(Physical keyboard also supported) It is a subset of the game Rodent's Vengeance for Android and is intended to give the user an opportunity to try out its shared eight direction touch screen swipe interface. Rodent's Vengeance is written in the Java programming language. On this page are downloadable executable Java jar files that will allow you to play Rodent's Vengeance on your computer. The jar game files can be run under Windows, or on any platform for which the Java Runtime Environment, the JRE, can be installed. Feb 23, 2018 Features. Modular (all resources can be modded) Open-Source (GPL v.3) Better graphics. You can create/edit your own levels! A fast and convenient launcher, made with Qt (4.6) Works with Windows x64 (primary reason of this remake) Levels of any size (screen fits to the size of the level if possible since 0.7).

Rodent's Revenge, Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation, was a game developed for and included with the 1993 Microsoft Game Pack for Windows. It was developed by Christopher Lee Fraley. We certainly owe Mr. Fraley a debt of gratitude for his interesting concept and related pioneering work.

The Rodent's Revenge game revolves around computer controlled cats chasing a user controlled rodent around the game board. If a cat catches the rodent, one rodent life of three allocated for game play is lost. The rodent may push bush pieces, which may be used to surround the cats. When all cats on the board are completely surrounded, having no place to move, the cats turn into cheese pieces, which can be eaten by the rodent (the rodent moves into their location) earning the rodent 50 extra game points each.

There are 50 playing levels for the game, and when a player manages to turn all of the cats allocated for a given level into cheese, the rodent is advanced to the next higher level. Ultimately the player tries to collect as many points as possible during play before three rodent lives are taken by the cats.


Rodent's Revenge has remained static for the past 30 years. There has been no maintenance for the game, no enhancements, updates or fixes. Rodent's Vengeance gives us a chance to address game needs and make it better. On the next page we will look at player issues with the Rodent's Revenge game and how Rodent's Vengeance addresses these.

From the Developer of Rodent's Vengeance

I enjoyed playing the Rodent's Revenge game since the mid-ninety's when I was introduced to the game by my brother Rick. After completing my post-bacc computer science degree I took on the task of creating my own version of the game in Java. I felt that it would be a worthy academic challenge, and would certainly brighten up my resume. Had I any idea of the complexity of the task, I would have been most hesitant to start work on it.

When the Rodent's Vengeance game was completed I wanted to share it with others who knew and loved the Rodent's Revenge game. So, here it is. You may judge for yourselves whether it was worth the effort.

** Rodent's Vengeance the Most Recent Release **

The latest update for the Rodent's Vengeance for PC and Mac game was posted on 6-24-20 and is now available for download. The new release is Beta Release 2.54, which includes mouse control of the game rodent, and single click scamper mode to make the game more fun and easier to play.

Next Page

Rodent's Revenge Level 5 of play

Rodent's Vengeance Level 5, Double Wide, Homogenized, Cream
(Obviously not your Mother's Rodent's Revenge game!)

Rodent's Vengeance: The Downloads

Rodent's Vengeance is written in the Java programming language. On this page are downloadable executable Java jar files that will allow you to play Rodent's Vengeance on your computer. The jar game files can be run under Windows, or on any platform for which the Java Runtime Environment, the JRE, can be installed. If your system is not yet setup to handle Java, you can download and install the JRE for Windows, macOS, Linux and Solaris from the following site:

Current JRE 8 download site:

For testing on Windows 8.1, I downloaded the x64 .exe version of the JRE, jre-8u251-windows-x64-i586.exe, and ran it. After the installation completed I was able to run the rodentTraitional.jar file by simply double clicking it.

When downloading a Rodent's Vengeance jar file, your brower may indicate that the file may be harmful to your computer. The download warning is given because you are downloading a jar file. If you trust the Rodent's Vengeance website, indicate that you wish to keep the downloaded file. With the JRE installed you will be able to run the downloaded jar file by simply double clicking it.

The free Rodent's Vengeance downloads are provided as is with no warranty. The current download revision is Beta Release 2.54 (06-24-20). I do fix all issues that are communicated to me though, so send me an email if you find a problem or if you have a cool suggestion. I can be reached via email at Enjoy!

Java jar downloads:

For most internet browsers, left click on the icon for the downloadable, and then click a Save button to download and save the jar file.
For the Chrome browser, right click on the downloadable icon, select Save link as.., and then click the Save button to download and save the jar file.

The .jar download files are rodentTraditional.jar, rodentMint.jar, rodentTangerine.jar and rodentCream.jar, for the traditional, mint, tangerine and cream versions of the game, respectively.


Rodent's Revenge Free


Rodent's Revenge