Pygame Window Closing Automatically

  1. Pygame Window Closing Automatically Change
  2. Python Opens And Closes
pygame window closes immediately
pygame window not responding when closing
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pygame events
pygame window not closing mac
pygame.error: display surface quit
module 'pygame' has no 'quit' member
pygame documentation

I just spent a fair amount of time finding a 64-bit installation of pygame to use with python 3.3, (here) and now am trying to make a window. However, although the window opens up fine it does not close when it hit the x button. In fact, I have to close IDLE to close the window. I am running a 64 bit version of Win 7. Here is my code:

When I append

It still doesn't close. My only guess would be that pygame.quit might go inside one of the loops, but even if that were resolved I would greatly prefer being able to close the window when I want to.

  • I'm guessing because pygame is hardware accelerated there are issues running the display on a remote desktop, also because tight vnc creates a separate desktop sessions it seems to me. I've tried initialized the pygame display with pygame.SWSURFACE but I still get the MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 error.
  • Best How To: As a first go, try adding variables dx and dy to store the state of the keys. Elif event.typeKEYDOWN: if event.keyKw:#moves banshee up if w pressed, same for the other WASD keys below dy = -5 elif event.keyKa: dx = -5 elif event.keyKd: dx = 5 elif event.keyKs: dy = 5 elif event.typeKEYUP: if event.keyKw:#moves banshee up if w pressed, same for the other WASD.
  • I know Pygame works because I can make calls to the Pygame modules. My problem is, when I try to open a window through Pygame using. Screen = pygame.display.setmode((468, 60)) it opens a window, but then lags, and finally crashes and I have to use the oh-so-lovable Crtl-Alt-Del to kill it.

Most pygame tutorials seem to suggest exiting by calling pygame.quit() and then sys.exit(). I have personally run into problems (was on a unix system though) where this still did not close the window properly. The solution was to add pygame.display.quit() specifically before pygame.quit(). That should not be necessary as far as I can tell, and I'm afraid I don't know why that solved the issue but it did.

Could someone help me out with closing a pygame window?, QUIT: pygame.display.quit(), sys.exit() score += 1 #Check for arrow key presses, For now I just want to know what the code would be to close the window using​ The class method on_execute calls first the on_init method where pygame is intialized and the display mode is set, then the event loop is executed where pygame events are process and the current frame is rendered. Only if an pygame.QUIT event is catched the event loop is exited and the pygame.quit() is called to cleanup the pygame environment. Then also the applications ends.

Want to learn coding games? Here is PyGame Tutorial for Beginners to teach you about games development in an easy and straightforward way. Learn building games using PyGame. Dec 21, 2020 pygame.init # Here init stands for initialization of the package. This will attempt to initialize all the pygame modules for you. Not all pygame modules need to be initialized, but this will automatically initialize the ones that do. You can also easily initialize each pygame module by hand. Creating windows screen.


if you want to make pygame close when window button x is pressed, put the code like this:

We put exit() after pygame.quit(), because pygame.quit() makes the system exit and exit() closes that window.

PyGame does not close when I press the close button, pygame.display.set_caption( 'Alien Invasion' ). # Set the I have to close the IDLE shell itself in order to close the window. I'm not sure why the We will: Create a Pygame window Stop the window from immediately disappearing Close the window in response to a quit event Change the title and background colour of the window

Not sure but try this Because you code runs fine on my system after I add pygame.quit() at the end

Its perhaps because as Idle is made on Tkinter and thus Tkinter and Pygame main loop do not have a mutual understanding.Your code will run very well on command prompt though.

Creating a Pygame window, Closing the window. We want our window to persist until the user chooses to closes it. To achieve this, we monitor user inputs (known as ' Most pygame tutorials seem to suggest exiting by calling pygame.quit () and then sys.exit (). I have personally run into problems (was on a unix system though) where this still did not close the window properly. The solution was to add pygame.display.quit () specifically before pygame.quit ().

This was the final code that worked for me on OSX whilst keeping the kernel alive on Jupyter. EDIT - it does still crash the kernel sometimes :-(

Also needed to downgrade ipython to get rid of some magic alias warning messages using:

apparently that issue is due to be fixed in ipython 7.6.0

3.6: The QUIT Event and pygame.quit() Function, 05, DISPLAYSURF = pygame.display.set_mode(( 400 , 300 )) Normally it doesn't really matter since Python closes it when the program exits Could someone help me out with closing a pygame window? I'm following along with a book I'm reading and one of the examples involves the module pygame. I got the code to run as it's intended but I can't figure out how to close the window when I'm done.

Suffered the same issues on Python 3.7.4 while running it from in IDE (Spyder 3.3.6). In my case the pygame.quit() would not completely close the program. Nonetheless, adding quit() or exit() did the trick for me!

Pycharm pygame

Chapter 2 - Pygame Basics, Our first program made with Pygame is a small program that makes a window that Normally it doesn't really matter since Python closes it when the program If you run pygame scripts in an interactive console, the program needs to reach pygame.quit () or the pygame window will freeze and you have to force shut it. This also happens when an error occurs before the pygame.quit ().

Closing Pygame Window, Closing Pygame Window. pygame window closes immediately pygame.error: display surface quit pygame tutorial pygame events module 'pygame' has no 'quit​ Hey there. Working on a simple version of pong as my first program and I'm following this tutorial (not line for line, but close). But when the paddle moves and reaches the bottom of the window, the window closes (crashes?). It doesn't happen when moving up and hits the upper bound but always does close when the lower bound is reached.

FrequentlyAskedQuestions, In IDLE why does the Pygame window not close correctly?¶. This is caused and if you also want to close the window on exceptions you might solve it like this​:. Pygame can only have a single display active at any time. Creating a new one with pygame.display.set_mode() will close the previous display. If precise control is needed over the pixel format or display resolutions, use the functions pygame.display.mode_ok(), pygame.display.list_modes(), and pygame.display.Info() to query information about the display.

pygame.QUIT Python Example, def run(self): '' Initialize pygame, open window and start game loop. '' pygame.​init() clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.screen PyGame, window is not closing, tut not helping. Python Forums on Bytes.

Pygame Window Closing Automatically Change

  • Try running the code from command prompt and see if the problem persist
  • Have you looked at the relevant question on the pygame FAQ?
  • what pygame version are you using?
  • @Alfgaar To be honest, I don't remember. It was a while ago :)
  • pygame.init() initializes all pygame modules (display, mixer, font, etc.) and pygame.quit() does the contrary, closes all modules. one can initalize a module per turn, if you want to use only display you do pygame.display.init(), no real need to call pygame.init... but, according to what you said, pygame.quit is faillling on closing the display module....
  • Thank the lord, finally an answer that works! Been looking everywhere for an answer that wasn't just restating the pygame docs method. Personally this got rid of the window that was otherwise frozen, but the process still hung on pygame.quit(). I initialized only the display using @Alfgaar's method, and then removed pygame.quit() altogether to finally close it all the way.
  • The except SystemExit works, but it still closes IDLE. Also, when I open command prompt it returns the error 'pygame.error:video system not initialized.' Any idea how to solve this? And by the way, thanks for the help.
  • Well I cant figure out why is it closing the IDLE (not in my case). Also mind that it may be the problem that you are replacing your code pygame.QUIT with pygame.quit(). pygame.quit() is a function that closes pygame (python still running) While pygame.QUIT just checks if pygame is running or not.
  • I put pygame.quit() function after the while loop to make sure that pygame is not running after the while loop. do not use it while checking ( if-else statements).

Python Opens And Closes

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