Imovie 10.1.7 (free


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  2. Immediately download the free iMovieHD from and install it thereby restoring functionality. It will still leave the iMovie'08 app on your drive (and you need it to remain there in case you need to re-install iMovieHD which looks for.
  3. IMovie is one of the video editing tools, designed Mac users. It is able to import photo and video from HDD, and the users have the option of editing those files. They can add music, title and various effects with the use of the tools. IMovie app for Mac and iOS can work mutually. Movie creation - Create 4K videos of stunning quality.

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Imovie 10.1.4

Imovie 10.1.4

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Comments AboutiMovie 10.1.7

Imovie 10.1.4
  • I have a 2011 model MacBook Pro. Ever since updating to High Sierra and updating the iMovie app, I now get a “failed to export” error for any manner in which I try to export the video. Any help would be appreciated!

    • I am having the exact same issue with my 2017 Macbook Air since updating to 10.1.7. My error is 10004.

        • This discussion might have some useful suggestions:

  • I have the same problem.

Imovie 10.1.7

Download file - Apple iMovie 10.1.7.dmg. FAST INSTANT DOWNLOAD Download type.